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  • Writer's picturePurple Hand

What's new in business?

Did you know that 65% of people would rather loose their sense of smell, than be without their devices? No? Neither did we. Must have been a rather weird survey: Sir, would you rather loose your sense of smell or be without your mobile phone?

After attending various lectures and stands at THE Business Show at the ExCel London, the most pertinent point we walked away with is that the web is growing and if you want a piece of the pie, you need to get on board looking your best.

Obviously we knew that already. But do you? Are you aware what kind of opportunities you are missing? If only success would be a simple formula you need to apply to business, everyone would be rich. Marketing is much more nuanced. It's not like playing the lottery and hoping for a win. It's more like a secure investment that offers healthy returns.

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