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  • Writer's picturePurple Hand

What does your website say about you?

It's all very nice to say 'don't judge a book by it's cover', but the reality is we are judgemental.

When walking past a grotty and greasy looking eatery, you won't be inclined to walk in and order a meal. After all, we eat with our eyes.

Most of the time, our online presence is the first interaction a potential customer is having with our business. Making a good first impression is paramount. Clear information, as well as a well presented layout is very important, but what you want to achieve most of all, is further contact. Give your potential customer incentive to sign up to your newsletter or to request a sample pack, if relevant.

Your website should not be a static one off project. Update the information if necessary and evaluate if the layout that looked so appealing five years ago, seems dated. Your online presence is not limited to your website. Social media accounts should all have the same theme and be updated regularly; and don't forget your Google account. It's a free tool that so many businesses fail to exploit fully.

And then there are the usual grammar and spelling mistakes. Typos happen, fair enough. But there is no place for mistakes on a website. Check, double check and then get someone else to proof read. Any images should be high resolution and ideally taken by a pro or at least manipulated somewhat in Photoshop to look their best.

So, what does your website say about you? Hopefully, that you're professional, organized and excellent at whatever you do! If it doesn't, time to go back to the drawing board.

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