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  • Writer's picturePurple Hand

Weapons of mass distraction

No, that's no typo. Social media overload is real. Every day we are inundated with a flood of information on all different channels.

A new study has found that too much social media exposure actually reduces your capacity to process information and depletes your short-term working memory. Our working memory plays a critical role in our ability to filter information and remember what is valuable but it is also a limited resource.

So basically we are unable to retain all the information we process throughout the day and most of what we read on various social media channels will be forgotten almost the minute we have read it.

Now this is very important information. Why? Because when you post on any channel, be it Facebook, Instagram, You Tube or Linkedin, you would like to believe that your effort would yield result. And we’ve just told you that in all likelihood, it’s in one ear, out the other. So what can we do about it? How do we turn potential customers into actual customers before they’ve moved on and forgotten about us?

1.) Target the same audience over and over again.

2.) Focus on one or two channels. Do it well and consistently.

3.) Give a clear call to action: Call us for a consultation. Purchase our product. Book an appointment….

These three steps are a good starting point. And they are easier said than done. First you need to work out who your audience is and the regular posting on social media requires both time and know-how.

Follow our blog to learn more about how to successfully market your business.

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