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  • Writer's picturePurple Hand

Patience is a virtue

Updated: May 27, 2018

What does this have to do with marketing? All sorts. Not the liqorice.

A common misconception is, if you throw enough money at advertising, you will get results. It’s not untrue. But there is a better way. Targeted advertising.

It’s a little like football. You’ve got the ball (your business) and you’re trying to get it to the goal (your customer). Obviously a skilled footballer won’t even break a sweat scoring, but put other skilled footballers (competing business) on the field and ask a rookie to score.

The odds are stacked against him. He may get lucky, but think about how many tries it will take, how many hours and hard work to score even ONE goal. Calling in the marketing pros will give you a better chance on the field.

Targeted advertising starts with establishing exactly WHO is your potential customer and how your business might benefit them.

Don’t forget, there may be many other similar companies vying for their attention. So how do you make sure they choose you? That process has to start months in advance.

Let’s say you’re selling cars. Right now I am in no need of a new car so anything you tell me is wasted. WRONG. Tell me why your service is superior, how your pricing is competitive. Tell me about your other happy customers and anything else that may be relevant.

The next time I am in the market for a car, you will be the first company I will contact.

See, patience is a virtue. Placing an advert or running a campaign doesn’t guarantee instant results. Keep at it and think carefully about your advertising and in the long run it will pay dividends. Let us help you score.

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