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  • Writer's picturePurple Hand

Healthy growth

Updated: Dec 19, 2018

Carrot sticks trump cake when it comes to your waistline. We all know that. And yet KNOWING and DOING are not friends.

When it comes to marketing your business, you know it’s the right thing to do and yet, actually doing something about it can prove to be a challenge. That makes sense. After all, you are probably busy running your business with all that it entails. But despite having a valid excuse as to WHY you are not doing it, that still doesn’t fix the problem of NOT DOING it.

As a general rule of thumb, if you don’t know how to successfully market your business or are not very good at it, it’s best to give the job to someone who does.

But we have a few tips to share with you, should you wish to attempt a DIY job:

1.) Set a budget. Around 10% of your net income should be reinvested into your marketing and advertising budget.

2.) Be prepared. Make sure your campaigns are ready at the right time so you can get plenty exposure. No point offering a great deal if no one knows about it.

3.) Target your audience. We’ve covered the importance of establishing who your customer is on a few occasions. That’s because it’s a key component to your success. Read some of our other blog posts to learn how to work out your target market.

4.) Consistend targeting. This is a sticking point for many DIY marketeers. As soon as your efforts start yielding results, the increase of business will mean that you are too busy to continue with your marketing plan. Don’t reduce the quality or the quantity of your advertising.

Now armed with some knowledge, get to work and grow your business!

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