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  • Writer's picturePurple Hand

Got the Covid Blues?

What are you using your time away from the office for?

It is very easy to fall into a ‘slouch on the couch in your PJs all day’ mode when you don’t have your regular daily schedule to keep you on track.

Best way to combat the ‘meh’ feeling, is to get up every morning with purpose, exercise, get dressed and eat breakfast. ‘Now what?’ we hear you say. Well, you know all those long lists you write for ‘when you will have time’? Get them out and see what you can tackle. Those lists may involve working on your business plan or mowing the lawn. No matter what is on this list, the action of being able to cross tasks off that have been languishing on there for months, years even, can be ever so satisfying.

During our long period of self-isolation we certainly get lots of time to think (unless you are stuck home with a bunch of kids!). Use the time to brainstorm new ideas for your business or perhaps taking your business in a completely different direction.

The coming few months are going to be a struggle for most businesses. Unless you are in the business of producing toilet paper, it seems. So what are we meant to do?

We will all need to learn to adapt. Using our skills or learning new skills to find a viable option for when this whole nightmare ends. And end it will. So sign up to an online course and learn how to decorate cupcakes or how to build a website. With weeks away from the office you finally have time to update your knowledge and amass a host of new skills.

We often see how children adapt easily to new situations and grownups less so. Kids are more adaptable because they are still learning to understand the world. They have no expectations and just go with the flow. They use their creativity and are able to be inventive and flexible. So, if you have no time to think because you are stuck home with the kids, take a leaf out of their book and spend some time in their company. They may teach you a thing or two.

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