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Dangerous Data

When Crypto Currency first hit the market it was, well, cryptic. The naysayers were convinced it was a scam and the risk takers were...

Brand your business

While scrolling through your newsfeed, you will notice yourself being attracted to certain posts. Many of the companies you will...

Got the Covid Blues?

What are you using your time away from the office for? It is very easy to fall into a ‘slouch on the couch in your PJs all day’ mode when...

Small investment - BIG yield

There are two types of business people and never has the division been more obvious than in these past few difficult weeks. There are the...

Growth is not an isolated event

What aspect of your business are you going to focus on in 2020? Most SMEs (Small/Medium enterprises) find themselves stretched thin (with...

Healthy growth

Carrot sticks trump cake when it comes to your waistline. We all know that. And yet KNOWING and DOING are not friends. When it comes to...

Weapons of mass distraction

No, that's no typo. Social media overload is real. Every day we are inundated with a flood of information on all different channels. A...

Magic, Marketing and Kids

There is no magic marketing formula that you apply to your business and turns you into a millionaire overnight. Much like parenting, if...

To think or not to think

The biggest challenge most businesses face is securing clientele in the initial phases of launch. Once you’ve established your business...

Got something to say?

The art of communication is lost on many. In today’s day and age, where people communicate in text speak, writing content for your...

What does your website say about you?

It's all very nice to say 'don't judge a book by it's cover', but the reality is we are judgemental. When walking past a grotty and...

If you want more time... need fewer things. Sounds simple enough. But every business or home owner knows how clutter can not only take up physical space,...

Goldfish vs human

Printed material has it's place. But when it comes to newsletters, the e-version trumps the printed version every time. Why? Because...

Patience is a virtue

What does this have to do with marketing? All sorts. Not the liqorice. A common misconception is, if you throw enough money at...

What's new in business?

Did you know that 65% of people would rather loose their sense of smell, than be without their devices? No? Neither did we. Must have...

The Launch

The shoemaker's children always go barefoot... Yes, that's what happens. You get so busy with running your business, you just don't find...

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